Hi there,Imagine never needing to commute to work again. You simply work from home, wherever you decide to live on this planet. Imagine having access to all your company’s information, including financials and the CEO’s personal improvement points. Imagine spending company money without upfront approval. Many workplaces are remote-friendly, letting you work from home every now and then. But more and more companies are abandoning the concept of a physical office altogether and are becoming remote-only. This has huge benefits for businesses.I hope you'll enjoy my latest article: No Need to Come to the Office: Making Remote Work at GitLab.Cheers, Jurriaan
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No need to come to the office
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Hi there,Imagine never needing to commute to work again. You simply work from home, wherever you decide to live on this planet. Imagine having access to all your company’s information, including financials and the CEO’s personal improvement points. Imagine spending company money without upfront approval. Many workplaces are remote-friendly, letting you work from home every now and then. But more and more companies are abandoning the concept of a physical office altogether and are becoming remote-only. This has huge benefits for businesses.I hope you'll enjoy my latest article: No Need to Come to the Office: Making Remote Work at GitLab.Cheers, Jurriaan