You might tell your friends you want to “start running.” But how far? When will you do it? What do you hope to achieve? How will you evaluate if it’s working? When setting up an effective experiment, having a structure is essential. When it comes to changing the work practices, habits, and mindsets of a whole organization, we need to take a similar approach.In my latest article, based on an episode of our Brave New Work podcast, I share what we’ve learned about experimentation at The Ready, after helping almost a hundred clients adopt a more adaptive and human way of working. We point out traps to avoid, clear up some common misconceptions, and offer you our best tips for running successful experiments.The key: Do something radical at a non-radical scale.We also cover:Why should you experiment?Why do our brains dislike experimentation?What is the recipe for a successful experiment? (I share 8 ingredients and our Experiment Setup Template)How can we change the whole organization through experimentation? (T-shaped strategy, see image below)
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New article: Change through experimentation…
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You might tell your friends you want to “start running.” But how far? When will you do it? What do you hope to achieve? How will you evaluate if it’s working? When setting up an effective experiment, having a structure is essential. When it comes to changing the work practices, habits, and mindsets of a whole organization, we need to take a similar approach.In my latest article, based on an episode of our Brave New Work podcast, I share what we’ve learned about experimentation at The Ready, after helping almost a hundred clients adopt a more adaptive and human way of working. We point out traps to avoid, clear up some common misconceptions, and offer you our best tips for running successful experiments.The key: Do something radical at a non-radical scale.We also cover:Why should you experiment?Why do our brains dislike experimentation?What is the recipe for a successful experiment? (I share 8 ingredients and our Experiment Setup Template)How can we change the whole organization through experimentation? (T-shaped strategy, see image below)