Hi there,For organizations to stay alive in an increasingly unpredictable word, a big change needs to happen in how the organization is managed.Very often I'm hired to help leaders with team problems: “make my team move faster and be more productive!” But what our work often ends up doing is helping teams with leadership problems.When it’s stressful, most of us have learned to go into command-and-control mode and start giving orders. And this worked! We were promoted and given more responsibility. But we have to unlearn a lot of the behaviors that enabled us to gain the position high up in the organization if we want an agile transformation to truly take hold.Don't be the chessmaster that controls people, moving them around as pawns. Management's new job is like a gardner who works on the system: creating a healthy environment in which people can grow and results happen. Going from an ego-system to an eco-system is a paradigm shift in decades of business culture and it requires undoing the habits of a lifetime for individual leaders. Every month, I teach a in-house Masterclass Agile for Managers at one of my clients. I decided to dedicate this newsletter to some of my favourite content about this subject. I hope you enjoy it!- Jurriaan
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Do we still need managers?
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Hi there,For organizations to stay alive in an increasingly unpredictable word, a big change needs to happen in how the organization is managed.Very often I'm hired to help leaders with team problems: “make my team move faster and be more productive!” But what our work often ends up doing is helping teams with leadership problems.When it’s stressful, most of us have learned to go into command-and-control mode and start giving orders. And this worked! We were promoted and given more responsibility. But we have to unlearn a lot of the behaviors that enabled us to gain the position high up in the organization if we want an agile transformation to truly take hold.Don't be the chessmaster that controls people, moving them around as pawns. Management's new job is like a gardner who works on the system: creating a healthy environment in which people can grow and results happen. Going from an ego-system to an eco-system is a paradigm shift in decades of business culture and it requires undoing the habits of a lifetime for individual leaders. Every month, I teach a in-house Masterclass Agile for Managers at one of my clients. I decided to dedicate this newsletter to some of my favourite content about this subject. I hope you enjoy it!- Jurriaan