My new book will be available starting next week. I’d love to celebrate this with you! Will you join me at the online book launch event on October 10th, 16:00-17:00 CET? There will be a special present for anyone that attends. Over 170 people have already signed up.
Business books should be enjoyable. That’s why I use fictional stories and cartoons that are not only fun to read but introduce the theory in a relatable way. I’m sharing six of them in this newsletter.
Is your strategy a strategy?
I’m using this cartoon to point out that many strategies are not strategies and fail to create any alignment or provide a competitive advantage.
Be careful with incentives
This comic is a beautiful explanation of Goodhart’s Law — when people are incentivized or penalized for achieving certain goals, they will try very hard to achieve them and will find ‘creative’ and irrational ways to do so.

Are people saying yes, but doing no?
In the book, I offer various methods to improve the quality and speed of decision-making while tapping into the sometimes unspoken wisdom of the group.
Is bureaucracy killing great ideas?
This cartoon illustrates the fact that many organizations make it difficult to turn a great idea into action.
Does your meeting culture help you achieve your goals?
Dysfunctional meetings are associated with reduced market share, innovation and employee engagement. I love this classic cartoon and couldn’t resist including it.
How good are your hybrid meetings?
Most hybrid meetings are terribly ineffective, particularly for remote attendees who struggle to follow conversations. In the book, I provide a few tips on how to turn them into awesome gatherings.

Peek inside
“Most books you read contain the theory, but few link it with practical, actionable examples. This one does, and is impactful and authentic, easy to digest. It will be the book for the team.” — Anders Ohrling, CIO Europe, Electrolux
If you’re curious, take a look at the complete Table of Contents. Stay tuned for when it drops on Amazon!
That’s it for now. Have a great week.